Create a classroom management strategy. - Verizon Innovative Learning Schools

Create a classroom management strategy.

Do you have shared behavior protocols for your class? Have you identified students to rely on when devices don’t work?

Try this in your classroom!

Work with the other teachers in your building to come up with shared behavior protocols for your school. Ask students to weigh in and help create classroom rules. Put up your class guidelines from last year and ask your students: What will be the same? What is different? What are we missing?

Featured Story

Having a student tech team is a huge asset to schools. Students learn the ins and outs of devices and are able to help teachers and other students learn to use them powerfully. Tech teams foster leadership skills in students, as they are able to teach others about what they’ve learned and help solve problems. For some students, being a member of the tech team helps them open up and participate in the classroom in ways they never would have before.


Produced by Marco Torres, Director of Story at Digital Promise


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